14U Girls Take 2nd at Alberta Open

Girls_14U Roster: 1. Toni Cronkite 2. Natalie Rivas 3. Hilary Adkins 4. Jessica Ybarra 5. Sammy Snow 6. Rochelle Gonzales (Rocky) 7. Amanda Jarvis 8. Hope Vickers 9. Campbell Ruh 10. Devin Holcomb 11. Sabrina Garabet 12. Sammi Rosenberg Coach: Kristin McKown To download the full size image, visit...

Welcome to FoothillWaterPolo.com v2.0

Foothill Water Polo has a new look and some new features to better serve the players, parents and coaches of the Foothill Club. We have launched a Google Calendar based training schedule with a tournament and competition schedule to come soon. Foothill has also started a Google Map that will list...